IDA-GA / TRL-GA 2022 Spotlight on Structured Literacy Webinar: Writing and Content Unite


Teachers always want more time to engage their classes with meaningful content and sharpen students’ essential writing skills, so why not combine these endeavors? During the session, participants will review the empowering potential of uniting content and writing instruction. Then they will be presented with a process to follow to create expository writing units on any topic. Examples of sentence, paragraph, and essay activities will be shared at a variety of grade and skill levels.

Laura Dreyer is a teacher at The Schenck School. Before moving to Atlanta, she worked at The Windward School in New York as a teacher and staff developer. For more than a decade, Laura has supported students with language-based learning disabilities, their teachers, and their parents through classes, presentations, mentoring, and private tutoring. Laura earned a master’s degree in literacy and holds certification from the International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC) at the teaching level.

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